Final Fantasy VIII was the eighth installment of the series, and the second installment of the series to be released for the PlayStation. In the story, three newly-commissioned SeeDs, led by Squall Leonheart, were dispatched to deal with the conflict. Here is Rinoa Heartilly, one of the miltary mercenaries sent to deal with the invasion of Dollet and Timber. The figure measures 7 ¾ tall, and comes in blister card packaging.
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Final Fantasy VIII was the eighth installment of the series, and the second installment of the series to be released for the PlayStation. In the story, three newly-commissioned SeeDs, led by Squall Leonheart, were dispatched to deal with the conflict. Here is Rinoa Heartilly, one of the miltary mercenaries sent to deal with the invasion of Dollet and Timber. The figure measures 7 ¾ tall, and comes in blister card packaging.
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